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A view of the Coma Cluster from SDSS public imaging data. Retrieved from SDSS finding chart tool,, courtesy SDSS.

Data Release 12 of SDSS Data, with some Steward Contributions

Data Release 12 of SDSS has just been made public in time for the Jan 2015 AAS meeting. Daniel Stolte of UA Relations/Communications, and Jordan Raddick of SDSS, describe the data release and focus on some of the UA contributions to SDSS DR12 and UA science being done with SDSS. Featured scientists include former Steward Professor Daniel Eisenstein, Steward Regents' Professors Xiaohui Fan and Marcia Rieke, and Assistant Astronomer Ian McGreer. The UA News press release can be found HERE. Embedded in the press release is a 4-minute movie. 


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