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Other Talks for the Professional Community


10:00am: AstroPHD Coffee, Library

     Steward Observatory Science Coffee is held at 10:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, in the Interaction Area, where graduate students, faculty, and postdocs discuss a handful of papers (typically 2-3) over the course of half an hour. 

Noon: Origins Seminar (SO N305 or LPL 309, or by Zoom). Contacts Serena Kim, Sebastiaan Krijt, or Chenliang Huang. Contact an organizer for the Zoom link.

Noon: Steward/NSF OIR Lab Galaxy Group, SO N305. Contact Ben Weiner  for more information.

3:45pm: Theoretical Astrophysics Program Colloquium, Kuiper Bldg. 312. (Refreshments will be served at 3:15pm in Kuiper Atrium)

7:30pm: Steward Observatory Public Evening Lectures


3:45pm. Lunar and Planetary Lab Colloquium, Kuiper Space Sciences, 312 (Larger crowd go to room 308) (Refreshments will be served at 3:30pm in Kuiper Atrium)


10:00am: AstroPHD Coffee, Library

     Steward Observatory Science Coffee is held at 10:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, in the Interaction Area, where graduate students, faculty, and postdocs discuss a handful of papers (typically 2-3) over the course of half an hour. 

Noon: Astronomy Journal Club, Steward N305. Contact Brenda Frye for Spring 2020 information.


12:30pm: Steward Observatory Colloquium Lunch, Steward 450

3:30pm: Optical Sciences Colloquium, Meinel 307

3:30pm: Steward Observatory/NSF OIR Lab Joint Colloquium Series, Steward N210


10:00am: AstroPHD Coffee, Library

     Steward Observatory Science Coffee is held at 10:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, in the Interaction Area, where graduate students, faculty, and postdocs discuss a handful of papers (typically 2-3) over the course of half an hour. 

Noon: FLASH (NSF OIR Lab Main Conference Room), Bring your own lunch

3:00pm: Physics Colloquium, PAS 224

4:00pm: Astronomy Club, SO N305. Contact David Cantillo for more information

For additions or corrections please email Hector Rico last update: 9/23/2020

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