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Image Credit: B&W images courtesy Roger Carpenter- from the collection of Edward Carpenter

Happy Birthday to the 36 inch Telescope!

April 23, 2014 is the 91st anniversary of the dedication of the Steward Observatory 36-inch telescope.  Originally housed on the campus of the University of Arizona, the telescope was moved to Kitt Peak in 1963.  The telescope has played a significant role in the development  evolution of the UA as a leader in astronomical research and is currently used as part of the Spacewatch program.

The left photo shows the construction of the on-campus dome in the late 1910s. This dome now houses a 21" reflector used for classes and public viewing. The center photo shows the 36" at Warner and Swasey in Cleveland, before being shipped to Tucson. The right photo is a view of the dome on Kitt Peak in which the 36" now sits, as well as the Steward dormitory. Current research done with the 36" can be seen at

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