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Left: Roger Angel and Richard Caris (Credit: Sid Leach). Right: GMT artist's conception (Credit: Carnegie Institution for Science).

University of Arizona Announces Large Gift to Giant Magellan Telescope

On Dec. 15,  President Hart announced a $20 million gift from Astronomy Board Member Richard Caris. This generous contribution will help fund Steward and the Department of Astronomy’s contribution to the Giant Magellan Telescope project and secure the next generation of astronomical research excellence at the University of Arizona. This is a landmark gift from Richard, who has supported UA Astronomy for many years – his philanthropy has been significant for the Mirror Lab, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, and faculty research. More information will be added here in the next few days, including press releases. The Arizona Daily Star artcle can be found HERE. The UA press release can be found HERE. The GMTO press release can he found HERE. At this moment (Dec 27 and before) it's one of the four featured articles at


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