UA Science

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How to Find the Rarest of the Rare in Southern Skies

University of Arizona computer scientists are teaming up with astronomers at the National Optical Astronomical Observatory to develop a computer program that will sort through the millions of objects detected by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

GMT in the News x 3

20 Tons of Glass, Fresh from the Oven

The Giant Magellan Telescope’s third primary mirror was unveiled at the University of Arizona, Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab on Friday...

Video: Mirror Lab Unveils Third GMT Mirror

... After spending three months rotating in a custom-built furnace, the mirror is ready for polishing.

Traveling through space with a giant telescope

When completed in 2022, those seven mirrors, each measuring 27 feet across, will give astronomers 10 times the power of the Hubble telescope...

UA Astronomers Discover Planet That Shouldn't Be There

An international team of astronomers, led by a University of Arizona graduate student, has discovered the most distantly orbiting planet found to date around a single, sun-like star. It is the first exoplanet – a planet outside of our solar system – discovered at the UA.

'Arizona Illustrated' presents: UA Science: Sky School

The UA Science Sky School is an outdoor education program run by the university's graduate students.

Star Trails (with Perseid Meteors)

Astrophotographer Captures Images of Now Extinct Comet

The Comet ISON is with us no more.

The 4.5 billion-year-old comet fell apart Thanksgiving Day as it traveled around the sun.


A School in the Sky: UA Science and Tucson Students

Seven-thousand feet above Tucson, and surrounded by the horizons, K-12 students are learning about the natural world and the night sky at the University of Arizona's UAScience Sky School at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter.


For the public
For Public

Public events include our Monday Night Lecture Series, world-reknowned Astronomy Camp and Mt Lemmon Sky Center.

For Students

A good place to start if you want to become an undergrad major or grad student, or need to find our schedule of classes.


For Scientists
For Scientists

Find telescopes and instruments, telescope time applications, staff and mountain contacts, and faculty and staff scientific interests.