UA Science

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UA Mirror Lab

University of Arizona joins push for better understanding of photonics

U.S. Rep. Ron Barber this week visited the UA's College of Optical Sciences and toured the Steward Observatory Mirror Lab. The visit aimed to bring more attention to the importance of optics and photonics in a number of industries. Thomas Koch, dean of the College of Optical Scientists, called for more government funding for photonics research.

Perseid Meteor Shower 2013 at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter

This timelapse was created by Adam Block and shows a few hours of the experience guests at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter had on August 11/12, 2013 during the Perseids: they could look through the 0.8m Schulman telescope and enjoy being outside to see the meteors streaking overhead. Flashlights and other sources illuminate the ground and the observatory. Find out more about the observatory here.

Artist's representation of OSIRIS-REx near asteroid Bennu.  NASA/Goddard/Chris Meaney

NASA Sets Up New Mission To Learn How To Mine Asteroids, The Next Gold Rush?

The UA is leading NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission to return a sample from a near-Earth asteroid. This mission will, in part, help researchers discover potential resources within asteroids. NASA says the celestial bodies could be rich sources of platinum, gold and rhodium as well as other metals such as nickel, iron and cobalt.

Crab Nebula Comes Alive

An iconic colorful cloud of gas and dust - the remains of an ancient violent cosmic event- is finally revealing its dynamic nature thanks to a newly released video more than a decade in the making.


Water Geysers on Saturn’s Moon

A new study published in Nature this week describes the forces that control the jets of water and organic material that erupt from the icy surface of Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. UA scientists contributed data to the study.

An infrared map of the whole Galaxy .

This is Your Galaxy: Exploring the Hidden Milky Way

New data released by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's APOGEE project, which uses technology UA scientists helped develop, enables astronomers to better understand how the Milky Way formed.


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