UA Science

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NASA’s Newest Space Telescope Relies on UA Technology

The instrument that will form the heart of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, or JWST, has been assembled and tested by aerospace company Lockheed Martin...  

Two Tucson researchers get NASA awards to turn sci-fi into real thing

Tucson-based researchers have won two of the 12 awards NASA gives annually to turn science-fiction concepts into reality. UA astronomy professor Christopher Walker...

Podcasts of Steward 100th Anniversary Open House Talks

Podcasts of the special talks at the Steward 100th Anniversary Celebration can be found HERE.

Steward Observatory hosted a 100th Anniversary Open House on Feb 16-17 to celebrate the founding of the observatory as a research unit within the University of Arizona. The Open House highlighted the history and research activities of Steward and included posters, displays, lectures and more. Please visit this link for details.

Please click on the below image to see an enlargement of the letter that the president of the University sent to Dr. A. E. Douglass, the Director of Steward Observatory in 1918.


Discovery Days, Feb 16-23: Celebrating All Things Research at the University of Arizona!

From Feb 16-23, the University of Arizona is celebrating research. You can read all about it HERE. The list includes the Steward 100th birthday events on Feb 16 and 17 (you can see it on the front page of our website), the Ansel Adams celebration, the continuation of the winter College of Science Lecture Series, the Steward Monday Night Public Evening Series, free admission to UA Museums (on specified dates), and more. Come and join us at the UA. 

New Astrobiology Faculty Member in MCB and Astronomy

Late last semester, Dr Betul Kacar began a faculty position in Astrobiology in the department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, with a joint appointment at the Department of Astronomy. Her interests include Astrobiology, Origins of Life, Deep Time Biosignatures, and Systems Evolution. You can read an article about her HERE.

Welcome to the UA, MCB, and Steward! 

Steward undergrad majors Jenny Calahan and Melissa Fae Thomas from Active Galactic Videos.

"Active Galactic Videos" Mirror Lab Video Hits 250,000 Views

An "Active Galactic Videos" episode (link to AGV Youtube channel at left), about the Mirror Lab and GMT, was picked up by the Tom Scott Channel on Youtube. Tom Scott's channel has over a million subscribers. This particular video, overseen by Professor Chris Impey and featuring Steward undergrad majors Jenny Calahan and Melissa Fae Thomas, has reached 250,000 views as of January 3. You can watch it HERE. [The Active Galactic Video team introduces itself: "We are a student-run channel based at Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona. Working under the supervision of Chris Impey, we create educational videos about astronomy and the space science community at the U of A and throughout Southern Arizona."]


For the public
For Public

Public events include our Monday Night Lecture Series, world-reknowned Astronomy Camp and Mt Lemmon Sky Center.

For Students

A good place to start if you want to become an undergrad major or grad student, or need to find our schedule of classes.


For Scientists
For Scientists

Find telescopes and instruments, telescope time applications, staff and mountain contacts, and faculty and staff scientific interests.