•15-Nov-2023, Please Note: Zoom Telephony: Our Department's phone service changed over from the analog Unity system to Zoom Phone on Wednesday, November 29th
We provide limitted support but please
Where to find support: The RISG group can provided limited support with zoom telephoney. Please contact UITS 24/7 Support Center.
- Plugging in a Zoom Desktop Phone
- Troubleshooting a Zoom Desktop Phone
- Setting up a Zoom Phone
- Using zoom phone:
- Zoom phone FAQs:
- Zoom phone account types
- Zoom phone Equipment:
•8-Nov-2023, Please Note: IDL UPDATE: We have obtained a new, dedicated license server to host departmental licenses, and plan to transition all clients to this new system. This is necessary in order to (1) accommodate changes made by the vendor to the licensing mechanism itself, and (2) remove IDL licensing from the old departmental web server. We are particularly concerned that users identify any environments where there may be important operational dependencies on IDL; we wish to avoid any interruptions.
These changes are planned for December 7, 2023. The method of obtaining a license going forward will depend on the client software version being used:
Older IDL clients (8.2 - 8.4): Support for the older clients is still supported on the new license server. You will need to copy a new license.dat file to your system. Please contact RISG if you use an older IDL client.
Later IDL clients (8.6 – 8.8): Obtain and install the compatibility patch that allows pointing to the new license server. These client versions will no longer be able to connect to the license server via the old o_licenseserverurl.txt file. Instructions are at ;
please let the CSG know if you need access to this folder.
Newest IDL clients (8.9 and above): Point to the new license server at port 4080 (or port 40443). This license server is currently available.
For all client versions, note that connecting via UAWiFi requires you to also connect to UAVPN in order to reach the license server. This is done for security of the Steward network.
HPC users: The IDL client on HPC has been updated to version 8.9, and connects to the new license server. The default version is IDL 8.9 and can be access with module load contrib followed by module load idl. Note that module load astro-idl/idl/8.9 will load IDL 8.9 while module load astro-idl/idl/8.8 will load the previous version.
•13-Feb-2023, Please Note: Effective March 1, Slack updates are required for older Browser, OS, and App versions. More details at Slack's support lifecycle.
• 27-Jan-2023, Slack workspace migrations have begun to the departmental Enterprise Grid. As workspaces are migrated you'll see a prompt to sign in with WebAuth (NetID). UA Slack users can help the migration process in advance by updating their workspace profile(s) so that their email is Having a single email/login going forward allows for cross-workspace channels & search, and Grid restores the history that would have been lost for "free" level workspaces. Non-UA users will continue to login with their email & password. More info online:
• On Dec 19th, UITS renewed the contract with Microsoft. As a result, email forwarding stopped for some accounts. Users who are forwarding email should verify that their forwarding settings did not change around Dec 20th.
Users who had chosen in the past to forward their directly to their Gmail are kept on a list. Because of that, information email sent to is being forwarded. But, email sent to at is not. Please check that your Microsoft Exchange email is being forwarded.
• Effective on 01-Mar-2023, University-provided Google storage accounts will be limited to 15GB.
Read about that here:
If you have data on your Google Drive/Photos/Docs account that exceeds this capacity, download that data immediately and consider renting storage from UITS.
For more information, head to
• Effective IMMEDIATELY, the Research Infrastructure Support email address is no longer in service.
For all Research Infrastructure Support inquiries, please submit a ticket to
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